Thursday, 17 January 2013

Coreen was admitted yesterday to hospital; the palliative home care nurse & doc feared that she had a more serious problem than she normally has with her bowels. She arrived by patient transport (no sirens ambulance) and it took a while to get her shuffled around, some degree of pain control and an X-ray done. The xray did not reveal a perforation and that much of the abdominal concerns were just more of the same except for increased pain initially.

Bony pain has also increased since admitted so they changed the type of pain medication so she is now on fentanyl and playing catch up as happens when changing types. Now since she in hospital anyway they are changing again to methadone which is often used in palliative settings and which requires hospital to set up.

She does have another complications, in that she has shingles. As a result she is in isolation and in a negative pressure room. Not a big deal at home but we need to be considerate of their rules, masks etc and maybe keeping visits not so many initially while lesions heal and rules lighten up.


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